Thursday, April 3, 2014

How To Use Android Mobile Phone As Webcam

This is a tutorial of How To Use Android Mobile Phone As Webcam.

Note: In-order to use this application you will need a Wi-Fi connection on your mobile device

The things we need:-

IP Webcam application (free)
IP Camera Adapter (free)
Chrome or Firefox Browser (free)

The steps to use Android Mobile as a Webcam are:-

Step 1:First of all install the downloaded IP Webcam application on your android mobile phone. Also install the IP Camera Adapter on your PC.

Step 2:Now open the installed IP Camera app on your phone after it you will many options like username, password, screen resolution and many more which you can adjust according to your choice. Now after doing so just click on the Start Server.

NOTE : This app uses back camera as default foe better quality but you can also change camera mode to front but it will reduces your video quality.

Step 3:Now when you clicks on the start server then after that you will see a IP at the bottom of mobile's screen. Now open this IP in your mobile's Chrome or Firefox browser. If none of these browser is installed on your android mobile and select Browser built-in viewer option.

Step 4: Now open and install the downloaded IP camera adapter on your PC. Now in the "Camera feed URL"just enters your IP and port which you got from the app you installed on your phone and remember don't delete /videofeed and then click on "Autodetect".

Step 5: Now that's it your are done. Open any video conferencing application on your PC like Skype,Facebook messenger, Yahoo ! messenger and you will see the video streaming on your PC from your android mobile phone"

Now open any video conferencing tools like Skype, Google Hangout or Facebook messenger and you must see your video streaming from the Android phone camera on your computer. The application uses the secondary camera of your mobile phone as default and that’s because the secondary camera will have more clarity when compared toward the front facing camera.