What is Google Tez?
Google Tez is Digital Payment App by Google which can be used to send money directly from one's bank account without any charges.
In the post, I will be giving the step to step guide through which you can easily earn Rs. 51 in your bank account if you don't have a Tez Account lately.
So here is the step by step guide:-
- Download Google Tez using this link only https://g.co/tez/u665l If you are viewing this on your desktop, then copy the link in the Google Chrome browser of your phone and it will automatically redirect to Google Play Store or Apple App Store
- Open the Google Tez app and follow the on screen procedures to set up your account.
- Once the Account is set up successfully and the UPI PIN is all set, you can transfer amount to any other account linked with Tez (Or send it to me and I will return it back as soon as you get the Rs. 51 reward) The minimum amount recommended for that transaction is Rs. 51
- After the transfer, you will get a notification that you have earned Rs. 51 and your account has been credited by Tez by Rs. 51 SMS will be sent by your bank as well.
- Simple, you have just earned Rs. 51 and you can earn even more by the transaction of Rs. 51 to other account in case you are lucky, I got Rs. 26 for that.
- Only the link provided must be used to download the Google Tez App, Pre - downloaded Tez App will not get Rs. 51 signup reward.
- Minimum transfer amount to get reward is recommended to be Rs. 51.
Facebook Page Link: VirtuaWorldSolution
Link to copy on your Google Chrome Browser to get the reward: https://g.co/tez/u665l
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