Saturday, June 7, 2014

Google Chrome in your mobile (a UC Browser Mod that supports Landscape too)

UC Browser is the best and one of the popular browsers available for budget phones running in Java (like Asha OS).UC Browser is designed to make mobile web access quicker and lightweight. It has got a number of interesting features that enrich your mobile browsing experience.
Some handy features of UC Browser
  1. Support for both touch and non-touch devices
  2. A whole lot of bookmarks of useful sites
  3. UDisk (Free online storage)
  4. Sync bookmark option
  5. Tabbed browsing
  6. Incognito Browsing
  7. Clipboard, File Manager, Themes
  8. Brightness control and night mode
  9. Desktop and Mobile view
  10. The best-in-class Download Manager
UC Browser is a proxy-based mobile browser. It is the best competitor for similar browsers like Opera Mini, One Browser and all. Opera Mini is the most used mobile browser because it compress the sites very well that the sites load much faster. Opera Mini gives the best browsing experience in mobiles but when it comes to downloading it don’t come up with the powerful download manager in UC Browser. While downloading, whatever happens to your connection the downloading will be paused automatically and you can continue later from where you have stopped. You can download large files in UC Browser without fearing about the download getting cancelled in the middle of the process.You can download the latest version of  UC Browser officially from here.
Below is a modified version of UC Browser 9.4.1 that looks like Google Chrome. The icon and splash screen is changed with Google Chrome logo and more over the app supports both landscape and portrait modes for phones having an in-built proximity sensor. The app works the same way as the Facebook Landscape app i provided earlier. It works perfectly on devices like Nokia Asha 501(tested ok), 502, 503, 311 etc. And it feels great to have a Chrome logo in your homescreen. If you get an error while installing either move the jar file into phone memory or uninstall the current UC Browser you use.
install error asha 502 screenshot 
Download (use Save option)
download screen ucbrowser screenshot asha
Name : Chrome (updated with the best icon)
Category : Browser (Mod)
Alternate Download jar
Download landscape only mode.